Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Here We Go

We are well into the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Canada is winning medals. Canada is winning hockey games. Canada is winning curling games. It's hard not to get addicted and watch. It's hard not to get addicted and cheer.

The organizers are having a few problems but any undertaking of this size will have some of that. It appears that things are going pretty well. The people have shown up. The events are happening. It looks like the atmosphere is magical.

I like sport. I like patriotism. I like the idea of the Olympics. Coming together for a peaceful reason and competition is great. Trying to be stronger, faster, and higher is epic.

I only see things getting better from here on out. More medals will be won. More stories will be written. More moments will be made. I know I will never compete in an Olympic event. I hope some day to attend some Olympic events but until that day I am going to enjoy the games because it is impossible not to. I hope everyone else does too.

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