Sunday, November 1, 2009

The NHL Needs to Stop Rewarding Failure

Last night the Toronto Maple Leafs lost to the Montreal Canadiens in a shoot-out. This was the Leafs first shoot-out of the season. They lost three other games in the five minute four-on-four overtime period. They have one only one win so far this season in twelve games. Since the NHL awards one point to each team at the end of regulation the lowly Toronto Maple Leafs have 6 points this year. Four point have come from games they have lost and two points have come from games they have won.

The Leafs have more points from games they lost than games they won.

Does this seem strange to anyone else?

In the world of professional sport I don't think anyone should be rewarded for losing. We are not here to make the players and coaches feel good, we are here to see who is the best is. We are here to separate the men from the boys. We are here to pit the best against the best and the rest.

Now I realize the Leafs bad play has left them last in the league, and they have a long road to climb if they want to make any kind of impact this season. I just don't feel that a loss deserves any points.

I understand what the league wants. They want to see the teams play hard for the extra point, but I do not understand how the best hockey league in the world can justify handing out a reward for losing.

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