Thursday, December 17, 2009

Welcome to Bomberland, Instability Ahead

So I as I was driving to work this morning I was thinking to myself, "I need to write on the sports blog, but I don't have too much to say on anything until some more football is played tonight." Then the Winnipeg Blue Bombers came to my rescue. That's right my home town and favourite team. The team that causes my sister's birth to be delayed a day so my parents could go to a game.

In one day, they gave us a lot to think about.

First, you know there is a lot if you start with first, CEO Lyle Bauer resigned from the club.

I'm going out on a limb here, but things are going to look a bit different at Canad Inns Stadium come June.

Lyle Bauer did a good job. The football club was is pretty rough shape when he took over. He put the house in order and even has a rainy day fund. We will here in the coming days why he left. The story will come out, it always does.

As for the coach, this does not bode well for him. He is already heavily criticized by the fans and the media. He seems to have rubbed both groups the wrong way. A lot of people say he is a good guy but if he is guilty (I am not saying he is, these things can be very different than they initially look) he will lose some good guy points with the people who do support him. In pro sports winning cures nearly everything that ails you, well, I don't think he has done enough winning yet to let this slide.

In time the truth will come out about all that has gone on today. I don't know if this is good for the organization or if it is another setback in the quest for the former glory this team is trying to rekindle.

We will be watching Bomberland over the days, weeks, and months to come, but there could be a lot of turbulence on this trip.

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