Monday, December 13, 2010


Tonight Brett Favre will not start at quarterback for the first time in 297 regular season games. His first start in this streak was in week 4 of 1992. That's 20 years.

That's 20 years of pro football.

That's 20 years of being the best quarterback on your team and healthy enough to play.

I have always been a fan of Brett Favre. He played football with reckless abandon. He always played it like a kid. He would make a play, probably something that shouldn't have happened, and he would smile. You could tell he enjoyed what he did. He wanted to win. He wanted to be a part of the team. After he through a touchdown he would sprint to the end zone to get in on the celebration.

Brett Favre was the NFL MVP. He won the Superbowl. He holds a lot of records. He was exciting to watch and never gave up.

He payed a big price with his body. He is going to have arthritis everywhere. When he gets older he will be sore. I don't think he would trade playing as much as he did for a pain free retirement.

Some say the streak will never be broken, some say it will. I don't think it really matters. I loved watching Brett Favre play quarterback.

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