Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Spirit Breaking

After a another slow start Team Canada beat Team Czech Republic 7 - 2 during the round robin of the 2011 World Junior Hockey Hockey Championship in Buffalo New York.

Although they won the game this could be a costly game for the Canadians as they lost 2 players to injury and 1 was assessed a match penalty in a questionable call in the second period. Despite that the schedule-maker is on Canada's side as their next game is against the weakest team in their pool.

The replay of the hit was shown several times. There is no doubt the Czech player was hurt but it appears to me that the hit was legal and clean. In fact they did not call a penalty until it was clear an injury had occurred. I believe we must protect players and especially their heads but you do not normally strap a player to a stretcher because they hurt their head or suffered a concussion. You use the backboard when there is suspected spinal cord damage or a potential to be injured in transport.

That was a hard hit. He was stopped in his tracks but it was completed within the rules.

As the game wore on it appeared that the wind was gone out of the Czech Republic's sails. They looked defeated with half the game to go. They could not muster much offence and were running around in their own end. To ensure a victory you must beat your opponents spirit and that is exactly what Team Canada did today.

Team Canada is rolling in Buffalo. I don't think I want to be on Team Norway tomorrow night.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Opener Win

After a timid start, Team Canada beat Team Russia 6 to 3 in their first game of the 2011 World Junior Hockey Championships.

As with any newly formed team, Canada had some nerves to start and ended up running around the ice. Once they got their wits about them they settled into a strong two way game. There were only a few moments that Canada didn't do what they were supposed to. This was a good thing as the Russians jumped on nearly every mistake made by the Canadians.

To be successful in the tournament, Canada will have to stick to their assignments and play in the system. This can be difficult in this event as this is the biggest stage these boys have played on in their career and their first real chance to become a household name in Canada. However, this team appears to be well coached and buying into the system laid out by the coaches.

I hope to see all the games this year and I hope to Canada win a lot of games in the tourney. They are off to a good start.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Tonight Brett Favre will not start at quarterback for the first time in 297 regular season games. His first start in this streak was in week 4 of 1992. That's 20 years.

That's 20 years of pro football.

That's 20 years of being the best quarterback on your team and healthy enough to play.

I have always been a fan of Brett Favre. He played football with reckless abandon. He always played it like a kid. He would make a play, probably something that shouldn't have happened, and he would smile. You could tell he enjoyed what he did. He wanted to win. He wanted to be a part of the team. After he through a touchdown he would sprint to the end zone to get in on the celebration.

Brett Favre was the NFL MVP. He won the Superbowl. He holds a lot of records. He was exciting to watch and never gave up.

He payed a big price with his body. He is going to have arthritis everywhere. When he gets older he will be sore. I don't think he would trade playing as much as he did for a pain free retirement.

Some say the streak will never be broken, some say it will. I don't think it really matters. I loved watching Brett Favre play quarterback.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Patriots

I have never liked the New England Patriots. I'm not too sure why. It may the be the smugness that Head Coach Bill Belichik goes about his job. Maybe its because they just keep winning. Maybe its how they treated Drew Bledsoe so many years ago. I'm not really sure I just have never liked them.

Irregardless of if I like the Pats, I have to admit they are good at what they do.

A week ago they destroyed the Jets on Monday Night Football. The Jets are a good team. Next up they run the Chicago Bears into the snowy turf of Soldier Field. Again the Bears are a good team.

In this era, the Patriots seem to have figured out how to win. They change players and stay good. They don't get too old. The coach doesn't seem to get stale. It is a bit of an enigma in pro sports.

In an era of salary caps, and the cut-throat nature of pro-football the Pats seem to be able to put a great team on the field year after year. They are having another great season an will be in the playoffs once again.

I usually like teams that make an effort to be great. I believe if you do your best and your best is better than everyone else's best then you should be rewarded and admired. Despite all that, I still do not like the New England Patriots. I can't seem to get on the bandwagon. My mind understands how good they are but they have never captured my heart.

Maybe its the cold, calculating way they do their business. They are not an engaging team. They don't make it easy to like them. Having said that they are also not a hated villain. They are very neutral. They are the off-white of the NFL to me. It's almost like if no-one else steps up to win it all, we will just give the title to the Pats. Again, I know in my mind that is not the case. I know they work very hard, but I just can't seem to like them.

I know the New England Patriots are a great team. I just don't seem to like them very much.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday Night Meltdown

What was supposed to be the matchup of the year turned into a total dud. The Tom Bradey led New England Patriots defeated the New York Jets 45 to 3. This goes to prove no matter how much you hype up a game it will always be decided on the field.

It looks like the Jets were never in it. They could not move the ball and could not stop the Pats from doing whatever they wanted.

Mark Sanchez has the makings of a great quarterback. In time we will hold him up there with the best but on a cold night outside Boston he showed he still needs to learn more about playing in the NFL. Of course he didn't have the advantage afforded to Tom Brady. When he took over, nobody thought he would become the star he is. Having said that, he keeps going year after year.

It is the TV networks job to bring in viewers. In doing so, they need to hype up the game. Before the first snap this game deserved to be hyped. It just turned out to be a big snoozer. You can't win them all.

Tonight one team brought their best to play in front of the football watching world and one did not. Unfortunately it doesn't make for much of a game to watch.