Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Mark McGwire admitted to one of the worst kept secrets in baseball, he used steroids. We all suspected it, no one is really surprised. It seems to be dominating the sports world, but why does it matter.

I am not condoning the use of steroids and Major League Baseball says they don't either. They were sure touting the race between him and Sammy Sosa. They were cashing in on the hype that made baseball interesting for the first time in a long time. They didn't have a policy about use or testing for the use. Looking back it was a bit of don't ask don't tell. Major League Baseball only faced the issue when the Government of the United States of America forced them to. If the US Congress had not made this a priority would baseball still be turning a blind eye?

Nobody likes to air their dirty laundry, not to their friends and especially not to the nation. Mark McGwire would definitely prefer to leave this behind him and not speak of it. Major League Baseball has the majority of skeletons in their closet. An entire era is tainted with steroids. Every record and achievement is questioned. So many guys have admitted to being on the juice that you had to do it to keep up, or at least you thought you did.

We can't go back in time. We can't change what happened. We will name it the steroid era. Is it what it is. Major League Baseball let it happen. Players took advantage of it and that is probably the real crime.

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