Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Bonspiel

I enjoy curling, playing the game more than watching. It has some great parts to it and can be a lifelong sport. I moved to a new city just as the ruling season started. As such, I have not thrown a curling rock all winter. This is not the end of the world but I am n my mid-thirties now and I am a headed to Victoria BC to curl in a bonspiel. This bonspiel guarantees a minimum of 3 games so it could be twenty-four ends in two days. I could be a bit sore. Curling is not the most intense sport in the world but it also doesn't have movements you do everyday. Your muscles may not be used to it.

The upsides are numerous. I get to travel to a different part of the nation. I get to play a sport I enjoy. I get to socialize with great people.

I am secretly hoping that all our games are done early. I don't want to be too sore. We could go on a win streak and boom, we could be in the playoffs. I'm not sure how it could happen but you never know and then I would be quite sore.

I am excited and I will have fun. I just hope my mid-thirties carcass doesn't rebel too much.

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