Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I went on my first round of golf this evening. The course was in terrible shape, the Mosquitos were nearly overpowering, and we didn't keep score. Despite all that I played fairly well. I struck the ball well. I putted well. I did not chip well at all. If I can get my chipping back under control without ruining another part of my game I could have a good year on the links.

I know a lot of people say this but I do not golf as much as I should. Good golfing weather is also good flying weather. Since my employment includes a lot of flying it is easy to see the situation.

Golf is an interesting sport. If you are brave enough to attempt it and if you make one good shot, you will most likely play again.

It's easy to see why people like golf. It's an outdoor sport. It's a social sport. It's a lifetime sport. The challenge never goes away. For me it's a way to escape. I take off my watch, and put the phone in the bag. I head out and work my way around the course, challenging myself to be more accurate. Sometimes I do quite well, sometimes I do not.

I like golf. I like the challenge. If I had more time to golf in would even like my golf scores.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

OK Leafs....

With the Chicago Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup last night it a dubious distinction has fallen upon the Toronto Maple Leafs. They have gone the longest without winning Lord Stanley's Pail. To be honest the St Louis Blues and the Los Angeles Kings have been playing in the league as long as the Leafs drought has gone. However, the Kings have been to the finals once and the Blues have made it to the final round three times.

Since expansion in the summer of 1967, the Toronto Maple Leafs have not even played in the Stanley Cup Finals.

I don't know where to begin. For such a storied franchise in the heart of the biggest hockey market in the world, the Leafs have not held up their end of the bargain. I realize as people come and go the organizations should be re-evaluated but they did not look very good last year and there are not a lot of signs pointed to them doing much better next year.

Well there is one predictor of their performance. They have a loud GM who spouts off at a regular basis. Things haven't got better since Brian Burke has rolled into the Big Smoke. He says he has a plan and maybe he does, but he has a long way to go and has yet to impress me.

The Leafs have gone the longest without even making the finals, maybe they will turn it around but I don't see how they plan on doing that.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What A Finsh

In overtime, the Chicago Blackhawks defeated the Philadelphia Flyers to win the 2010 Stanley Cup. This was a great game to end a great series to end a great playoffs.

This year the playoffs were compelling, exciting, and unpredictable. The unlikely runs by the Flyers to the finals and the Canadiens to the Eastern Conference finals could not have been predicted by anyone. The excellent young players that make up the Chicago Blackhawks have done it. They have won the trophy that everyone dreams of winning at least once.

I think the game of hockey is moving in the right direction. The on-ice product is best its been in a long time. It even looks like the league is re-evaluating where they want to have teams, but we will see where this goes.

It's going to be hard for the NHL to live up to the show they put on this spring. There was a lot of excitement and I just wanted to keep tuning in. I watched games from Mexico, on airplanes, in bars, at home. I talked about it with a lot of people. I made predictions. some were good, some were not so good.

Congratulations to the Chicago Blackhawks, you are the champs. Enjoy it, next year everyone will be gunning for you, but that should make for another great season.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Barn Burner

The Chicago Blackhawks defeated the Philadelphia Flyers 7 to 4 to take a 3 - 2 lead in the Stanley Cup Finals.

It was a wild game. The stars on the 'Hawks found their mojo. They played like they were in the first 3 series. Two obvious high sticking penalties were missed, one for each team. I guess you could say it evened out, however that is little consolation to the guys who got a hockey stick in the face.

We are now five games into the finals. The home team has won every game. If the Flyers want to win this thing, they have to win in Chicago, in game seven. They very well may do that. With the extra day of rest I see game six being very good.

Chris Pronger looked very ordinary tonight. He finished the game -5. It is never good when your best defenseman, who plays 30 minutes per game is on the ice for 5 more even strength goals against than goals for. If the Flyers want to make it to a game 7 and have a chance to play for a 35 pound trophy, he must play better.

This series has been great. You have no idea what each game will bring. I still thing Chicago will ultimately win it all, but the Broad Street Bullies will not go down without a fight. I'm sure there are two more games in Pronger's 35 year old legs, at least when the biggest prize is still available. The young talented team from the windy city are feeling it and if they can keep it going they can power through the energy brought on by God Bless America and finish it on Wednesday.

However, just like the rest of the playoffs in 2010, nobody knows for sure.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

We Have A Series

Last night in game 4 of the Stanley Cup Finals the Philadelphia Flyers convincingly tied the series with the Chicago Blackhawks. We are now assured to have at least 6 games. This has been one of the most exciting finals I can remember in a long time. The 'Hawks should have run over the Flyers and it looked like that may happen.

There seems to be a buzz around this series. It is probably a combination of two hockey cities in the finals and the NBA is doing the same old Celtics - Lakers final.

The teams have some characters on them. It's easy to get caught up in the extra story lines. The Flyers throwback to the 70's with God Bless America, sure gets the crowd going before the game. The organ in Chicago reminds us of a simpler time in hockey.

What is really making this series great is the complete effort put out by both teams. Whoever loses won't have lost due to a lack of effort.

So with three games to go a winner needs to be predicted. This is tough but I still think Chicago is going to win. I also think Jon Towes needs to shave off his beard. If you were in doubt it definitely shows off his Mennonite heritage. This is fine but it doesn't look too mean or scary, and I'm sure it doesn't strike any fear in Chris Pronger's heart.